You operate on national or international markets. The potential employee today is expected to be mobile transnationally. Especially for this still relatively inexperienced target group, it is especially important to come to grips with the topic of employee assignment abroad and plan each step of posting carefully to avoid problems later on.
We prepare you for the subject before posting abroad to Germany and/or France.
Your goal as an entrepreneur:
- Better communication between the headquarters and foreign subsidiary / branch
- Improve contact with key customers in the target country
- Possible training of executives of the host country
Requirements for candidates posting:
- Professional expertise
- Social skills (empathy, teamwork)
- Self-competence (resilience, handling of complex situations)
- Personal – professional environment (emotional stability, physical strength, stable family situation, etc.)
We offer you the following services:
- Before posting, we conduct an individual coaching that is tailored towards your needs and the respective destination country. Of course, the expatriate’s family also takes part
- Language course
- Regional studies and intercultural training
- Introductory trip – whether you can really adjust to the workplace, the environment and the people’s mentality
- We will also be glad to support you during the secondment
- Finally, we would like to mention our services for overseas returnees, where we provide special training and coaching, so they can find their way back home from a posting as quickly as possible